by Emily Brock | Oct 26, 2016
The main principle of improvisation is “yes, and…”. This means that you hear whatever your partner has offered, accept it, then add to it. It sounds simple but can be difficult to put into practice. Often we don’t listen and take in what someone is saying, we’re...
by Sara Heleni | Jul 26, 2016
The Healthcare Spectrum has Changed. And these changes will continue—due to the Affordable Healthcare Act and the growing population of senior adults. According to the Administration on Aging, by 2030 there will be approximately 72 million people over the age of 65....
by giovanni | Jun 10, 2016
Why Hiring an Advertising Agency Will Benefit Your Business How To Say Hello To Your Potential Customers: You have built your business up and there is a great story to tell. You have the greatest business concept, but without effective branding it, it may not prosper....
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